
24 Weeks

Week: 24
Baby: Measuring at 9 inches! Weight at 1.7 lbs!  The size of an eggplant. 
Gender: Boy
Measurements: Pregnancy belly!  People are just starting to ask if
I am expecting; part of me wants to say “no” just to see them squirm J but I am finding to much pleasure in saying “yes!”   My belly button is getting more shallow, but still an innie at this point.  I have been experiencing “growing pains” in this last week… It is probably all the holiday feasting I have been partaking in!
Fashion Choices:  For the most part, I am still wearing most of my pre-pregnancy clothes.  I have added a few maternity staples to my wardrobe – stretchy tops and leggings, and I am surprised at how comfortably they are.  I can definitely tell that my jeans are more restricting, so I find myself reaching for the leggings more often.  I am fortunate that they are in style again this season (and that Ian likes them too)!  I can still wear the majority of my scrubs thanks to elastic waist bands and loose styling, but I have been trying to decide what to do once I’m too big.  I’m thinking of just wearing maternity tops with scrub pants and a scrub jacket over the top.  This will keep me from having to buy pricey maternity scrubs that I will only wear for a few months.      
Movement: He is a little jumping bean!  My doctor doesn’t ask me to do kick counting (this probably would have made me neurotic) but to keep track of his patterns and report any decreases in movement.  He moves first thing in the morning, after each meal and when I lie down at night.  I am starting to be able to differentiate the jab of an arm or leg and the roundness of his head or back/bum.  I can’t help but smile each time I feel him, it is such an amazing thing!  It is hard to describe, but when he moves, it is such a private thing because only I feel it and only I know.  Ian is feeling his movements when we are together and has taken to talking to him and advising him on the outside world; so much fun!
Symptoms:  No sickness for 4+ weeks!  I really have been feeling wonderful at this stage of my pregnancy.  I look pregnant, I feel good, I have energy.  It couldn’t be better! 
Cravings: None to report.
Aversions:  Smells at work; but any normal person would be made nauseous by poop, yeast in folds, lack of personal hygiene type smells right? 
Work:  Going swell.
Labor:  Nothing yet.  I have been cramping recently, but it is hard to tell if it is all the rich food I have been eating or if it is related to pregnancy.
This Month:  I can’t believe that I am entering the seventh month of pregnancy!  The holidays have come and gone and we were able to spend some valuable time with friends and family.  Ian and I keep saying we have so much to be grateful for this holiday season.  We both have our health; we have two dogs that bring us laughter (and frustration at times); we are expecting a baby boy; we have friends and family to share in the joy.  I don’t know if I have ever been happier. 
Can’t Wait!:  To start the nursery!  We finally settled on a crib and placed the order so now we need to get the bunk beds out of the nursery so we can start on the first phase of getting ready for baby!  We hope to paint his room the first part of January and slowly collect the other things that we will need before spring.  He is going to be here before we know it!
Count Down:  To our pregnancy/birthing/parenting classes!  I’m such a nerd J

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