Week: 16
Baby: Measuring at 4.5 inches
Gender Prediction: I’m feeling girl
Measurements: The belly is out! It is noticeable in my regular clothes and looks more pregnant than fat!
Fashion Choices: Wearing regular clothes and using a hair tie through my button hole and looped around my button to keep my pants up J Cheap!
Movement: I think so…. Maybe…. First thing in the morning, but I can’t be sure yet.
Symptoms: Still nauseous and vomiting at random times. I’m really trying hard to have snacks on me at all times, but in nursing, it’s not smart to carry an apple around in your pocket. And, I’m in the habit of fewer, larger meals because that’s what I have time for at work, but I’m working on it. Also, the sight of blood makes me sick, which is so inconvenient considering that I deal with it on a daily basis…
Cravings: Ooooo, fresh fruit, particularly berries. And anything frozen and sweet! Yum!
Aversions: Still leftovers…
Work: The same.
Labor: Not me!
This week: Grant and Kristin made it home! It is so great to have them back! Ian and I were down in Phoenix for the weekend (my excuse for the late post) to help them unpack their three bedroom plus basement house into ONE small storage unit and ONE small bedroom. It like a life size jigsaw puzzle at the storage, not to mention their bedroom; Let’s just call it the Master/Nursery Suite.
Can’t Wait!: Baby Holdsworth is putting on his last few fat rolls in-uteruo, so he could be here any day! We hear he has a full head of hair; it won’t be long until we see for ourselves!
Count Down: To our Anatomy Ultrasound! We get to see the baby again, and if we’re lucky, if it’s a HE or SHE! It’s not until the Monday after Thanksgiving, but believe me, it is on the calendar!
Um...cutest picture ever!!!