
12 Weeks

Week: 12
Baby: Measuring at 3 inches
Gender Prediction: Changes daily (calling him “he” but still feeling it’s a girl…) 
Measurements: I am up a few pounds and starting to have a little belly!  Although, it can be hidden in my regular clothes/scrubs.
Fashion Choices:  Still in my regular clothes and kind of getting excited to pull out the sweaters and boots. 
Movement: None
Symptoms:  Oh my goodness!  Has the nausea and vomiting reared it ugly head the last two weeks!  I have spent a few mornings and afternoons with the toilet.  I am feeling especially confused about this since I am nearing the end of the first trimester and was hoping for a little reprieve.
Cravings: Same goes for salty, but I feel like I can’t get enough fresh fruit, especially berries.  I could eat a carton of raspberries at every meal.
Aversions:  Leftovers….. Get those things far away from me! 
Work:  It’s hard to tell, but I think smells and sights at work are making me sick.  For example, I had to empty a drain bulb that was draining infected blood/fluid out of a persons wound and I was vomiting 10 minuets later.  Also, sputum (rust colored, thick, large lugie) made my stomach turn over!  Unavoidable as a nurse I suppose.
Labor:  Plenty of time to think about this…
This week:  I went up to visit my sister, Michelle, in Seattle and we had a blast!  It was purely a girls trip!  We ate where Urban Spoon told us to (mostly pastries and Chinese), we walked all over the city, we talked about the great places that were perfect for a romantic date, we watched movies in her studio apartment, we slept in, and we shopped in maternity sections!  It was a great way to say “have some fun before the REAL fun begins!” 
Can’t Wait!:  GRANT AND KRISTIN ARE COMING BACK TO AZ!!  Yay!  I am beside myself excited to have them close since their baby boy is due to arrive November 22nd.  Let’s put our hands together for Kristin: packing an entire house, moving/driving across country, selling a house, temporarily (meaning, until their house sells) living with the in-laws, and a husband changing jobs at 36 WEEKS PREGNANT!  That’s saint territory if you ask me!   
Count Down:  To a real baby bump!

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