I must apologize for the extended time it has taken me to write this blog post. I feel like I have been going non-stop since Easter. Work has been consuming my time and fertility has been consuming my mind!
To start, Ian has been healing great since his procedure (as evidence by the return of his libido, hehe… J) and we finally got the results of the TESE procedure….
But, (it seems that there is always a “but”), his numbers are still REALLY low. Our Embryologist and Fertility Specialist talked with us in length about where we should/could go from this point; citing that we may end up with more eggs than sperm (a phenomenon that they RARELY ever deal with) they recommend that Ian undergo ANOTHER TESE procedure to ensure we will have enough sperm to match the egg count on the day of retrieval. WHOA… brakes!!! Ian is supposed to undergo mutilation two times, with no guarantees! NO WAY (cost and pain attributing)! So, we decided that all it takes is one sperm and one egg to make a baby and that’s all we need. Yes; we are done circling the airport people! Our bags are packed, we’ve paid the fare, and we are in the terminal awaiting take off!!
At this point, the medications have been increased twice based on my recent ultrasounds and blood work, and believe me when I say, hormones mean business. Hot flashes, cravings, headaches are a few things that accompany my injections, but, all things considered, I haven’t felt too terrible. Although, Ian might tell you that asking me to turn off the light could draw tears….
Now that we have been thinking sperm, sperm, sperm, we can transition to thinking eggs, eggs, eggs. I have an ultrasound scheduled this Tuesday to follow up on the developing eggs. We should know this week, the dates for egg retrieval and implantation! I am in Phoenix for the interim, scheduling a date with the pool and the movie theater and whatever else may fit into my schedule ;). Check back later in the week for a tentative retrieval date or just to leave words of encouragement. Happy Spring to all!
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