
10 Weeks

Week: 10
Baby: Measuring at 1.5 inches and, at last ultrasound, right on gestational age!
Gender Prediction: Girl (written in a whispered voice around this house) 
Measurements: I am up one pound from pre pregnancy and just looking like I indulged on one-to-many desserts; thicker around the middle.  I don’t consider myself as “showing” yet. 
Fashion Choices:  My clothes are fitting a little tighter so I have turned to un-buttoning and unzipping all clothing when at home (and lets admit, occasionally after a dinner out in public).  Also, sweat pants when I’m off and Ian’s at work (ok, when he is home too).
Movement: No movement from the baby yet, but if your talking bowel movement, with much difficulty…
Symptoms:  Nausea and fatigue are most prominent.  My nausea has mostly been a low-grade feeling of motion sickness/not feeling well.  The fatigue can be overwhelming and if you surprise me in the middle of the day, you may find me asleep on the couch, or writing a blog post at 2PM in my pajamas.
Cravings: Anything salty.  I hate to admit…. Taco Bell, doughnuts (not salty) and pizza.  I did allow myself all of these and, it seems odd, but I feel like I could go the rest of my pregnancy without them and be fine.  It was a one night stand I suppose.
Aversions:  Meat, this will not be in my favor as I need the iron and am not currently taking a supplement due to my unfortunate circumstance as noted above.
Work:  The hardest part is dragging myself out of bed a 5AM, but they’ve been going pretty easy on me I think.
Labor:  I’ve been hearing a lot of horror stories, my plan is to not have a plan (taken from a wise mother of two boys).
This week:  I desperately need to clean my blinds, windows and window seals; Ian said he would clean the tile and grout with our steam cleaner while I do the blinds (I feel like my pregnancy hormones are affecting him…) He has been a great caretaker!  He cooks dinner AND cleans it all up, grocery shops and takes care of the dogs while I lay on the couch.  I think it’s his way of contributing to the pregnancy since he was so involved in all the IVF stuff.  He even stained the deck by his own accord!  Hmmm, how can I make this a habit?
Can't Wait!: For our first OB appointment!  It's not until October 16th because our OB is so busy.  This works out great since we have seen my Fertility Doc three times aleady with ultrasounds at each visit.  We have our first ultrasound in Flagstaff September 27th. 
Count Down:  LAST INJECTION on Friday the 21st!  Horray!


Copy Cat

So, I have been thinking and working for some time on this dry erase baby board.  I snagged the idea from this creative, hilarious blogger that Kristin (my sis-in-law) introduced me to when I needed a cheering up.  I have always considered myself moderately crafty…then, I found this blog and can’t even place myself in the semi-crafty or slightly crafty category.  This gal uses a chalkboard for weekly pregnancy updates and is a true artist.  I plan to copy (nearly) all her ideas, from the nursery, to baby supplies, to maternity clothes J 

This project took quite some time, in part because I am a perfectionist, but also because I shopped around for months at consignment, thrift and second hand stores for months to find a wooden frame WITH quality glass.  This was key because I hoped to refinish the wood and write directly on the glass.  I picked this one up at Hodge Podge, a second hand store mostly know for selling used medical supplies; fourteen dollars!  Can you believe that?  What a deal.  Then I picked out a few fabric backgrounds from Joann’s and had Ian refinish the frame and decide which fabric contrasted best with the dry erase markers. 

After writing the message, erasing it and writing in again to erase it again, I finally took my horoscopes advice and decided to not be disappointed by my full fledged disillusionment that this board might turn me into an artist and accept it for a board to enjoy taking pictures of and posting to my blog to keep everyone updated on my pregnancy.  So, while it’s no where near what I have envisioned, it will be a great way to document my pregnancy over the coming weeks and months!   


Is it One or is it Two, that is the question...

What a roller coaster of triumph and emotions this past week has been!  I am so proud and grateful to announce that ONE precious little being will be entering our home in April!  I felt a huge sigh of relief (literally, with thoughts of a huge swelling belly leaving my mind) when our nurse practitioner found a single gestational sac and a single, amazing (I seem to be using that word alot lately) heart beat!  I will admit, I was surprised, having thought from the beginning that there would be two little babies entering our lives.  In no way am I disappointed, and I foresee the insurmountable benefits of having a single pregnancy, but I can't stop thinking about the one plus to having twins... WE WOULD BE DONE!  No additional cost, no more travel, no more time off, no more medications and injections.  I understand that the benefits of a single pregnancy far outweigh the risks of a multiple pregnancy, so I do feel so blessed and believe that this is God's plan.  I asked Ian, before the ultrasound, how many he thought were making a home in my uterus and he surprised me with some comment about being the next "Hollywood octo-family."  Yikes!  You can imagine the sigh of relief he had! 

Pregnancy has treated me well in many respects, but I do have some daily reminders to be thankful for....  My nausea has been popping up in the middle of the night and gives me a feeling of restlessness and discomfort.   Nothing close to vomiting, but a nagging discomfort that disrupts my sleep anywhere between 12 and 2am.  More recently, I have been waking up nauseous, but find that if I eat something small, it tends to subside.  And, I know better than to let myself get hungry; not doing that again!  If I stick with small, light snacks throughout the day, I do pretty well. 

I haven't felt PURE EXHAUSTION like I was expecting, but I could be asleep, in bed by 8pm.  I think just the sheer fact that I'm pregnant keeps me energized.   Food is another story.  I can't listen to people talk about nor talk about it myself nor can I read about it (i.e. recipes, Pinterest).  This totally sucks!  I used to flip to the recipe section of Better Homes and Gardens before reading anything else, and I will not be starting my mornings off with a quick peek at what's new on Pinterest!  Smells are bothering me too!  Literally, I feel like I can smell my carpet!  Febreze products are scattered in every corner of my house.

Oh, and I almost forgot, Peri Oral Dermatitis - look it up!  It is not pretty folks!  This red, bumpy, flaky rash has taken over my mouth and chin!  Sooo ugly!  Why?  This one condition has lead me to believe that the precious heart beating in my belly belongs to a girl!  I really don't care either way (Ian doesn't like me saying that...) but really, that's my thought!  Any other opinions/thoughts?   

I'm 7 weeks 1 day pregnant today and am probably the single luckiest (and best stocked) woman in the world!  Thanks to my wonderful co-workers, I have a swing, bouncer, play center, play mat, bath chair, bumbo, pump and the list goes on!  Thanks for always watching out for me girls!  Your support and friendship means so much!